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Las grandes empresas piensan desde ya en el futuro ” Cero Contacto”

Large companies already think of the future "Zero Contact"

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Ingreso Inteligente QR

The city of the future starts with new ideas. In addition to taking care of yours with a zero-contact system, you can track all internal and external accesses in real time. 

Seguimiento y gestión de invitados y usuarios.


We make an impeccable traceability of follow-up and travel within your facilities. Ex: 

  • Reception, office, dining room, terrace and management office.
  • Lobby, Bedroom, GYM, Dining Room, Pool. 


Facial recognition terminal with temperature measurement, data software and online statistics, which allow contactless entry.


Many times it happens that the address, documents and parcels arrive and you are not at the reception desk. We send messages to your mobile device once the reception notifies the arrival.



Our technology is adaptable to any equipment, from electromagnets to vehicle gate drivers. We use the devices that your company or business has.


From our Application you can reserve the sectors or spaces available in your línea de negocio, además puedes invitar externos a la misma zona.

Your reception is the best face of your Company

Hotel, College, University and More !.

By streamlining the entry process for visitors there will be no more wasted time, you have to know our robust and better processed guest module. 

10 %

Adapted for any


For us the most comprehensive line of access control, room separations, sector separation, parcel and home service, facial recognition terminal, job roles, statistics, information exports and imports and more. 

The reduction of operating costs is one of our pillars, as we do not depend on many processes of security personnel for access. In addition to valuing the properties, we supply all our tools for your peace of mind. 

In the reservation an email will arrive to the client with the room number, when arriving at the start scan the Qr and this will give income, taking advantage of the systematization with which it already has.

Control the working times of your employees with geo-positioning integrated in our application. This will help in budgeting for pay and hours.

Gardens, Colleges and Universities have uncontrolled entry systems, to which we offer the option of parameterization of capacity and access for administrative personnel, Qr warehouses and kitchens.

Our plate reader provides a safe entrance to users, with 99% calibration, simply by approaching there is an opening, the same happens with our intelligent QR opening system.

Why choose more security?

AXESS is a completely scalable platform with easy technological integration (Software – Hardware). Execute, parameterize and add value to your company in terms of security and access control, whether pedestrian or vehicular.
High Impact Development House.

Entry record

Through the device you can download our App that will serve as an entry system, replacing any contact component.


Our platform

In this option that our reason for being you will find all the statistics of security, human resources, guests, capacity, number of vehicles, users and more. 

Data structure 

We have high security standards with our certified cloud services, where we host all our information and where you can have data 24 hours a day without interruption.

Our clients

Some of our companies that believe in the future and take that big step towards technological change.

Give us the opportunity to show you the great benefits it offers you AXESS